Believe it or not, your Facebook friends would be able to
forgive you for your Selfie pictures, after all a person has to post their best
photo once in a while.
People will even forgive you if you like your own posts
because some people can forgive other people who have no common sense.
Friends would even understand if you keep on bashing the
President or the government... but there is one thing people will never forgive
you on Facebook...
An act that can destroy your chances of gaining a loyal audience, it can immediately
alienate you from all of your FB friends, they will continue adding you to
their FB list but they will scroll down each time you will post something new
or hide your Facebook messages forever if they are too shy to block you
If you want to become the most hated people on
1. Join a Networking Business and post about how rich you
are, post endless pictures of herbal products, beauty soaps, slimming products
or any new business online opportunity and tag your friends daily--- be as
friendly as you can and message random people on Facebook...
2. Say hi to your elementary, high school or college
friends, workmates or a bunch of people you have never met and act like you
care about them--and then after talking to them for several minutes present your
networking business.
3. Post in all FB groups that you are included in, and post
as many posters as you can about the new product you are selling. In fact, post
every day even in Facebook groups that are supposed to be for environmental
advocacy or political debates.
4. Fake your Facebook enthusiasm post every day, tell them how rich you
are right now and how great your networking partners are in business but never respond if people will
borrow money from you--even during emergency cases.
5. Post that you are hiring part time workers or you
have a job opportunity and the ask them
to join your networking business instead of offering an actual job.
We all have that kind of friend, the one who suddenly thinks
they can fool people into thinking that they are millionaires--or that they are
earning real cash.
Don`t get me wrong, networking business can really bring in
the money--just like any other business if you focus your mind and energy--it
is bound to gain you profits--but unfortunately this is also the easiest way to
make people think that you are a Facebook money hungry freak if you overdo the selling part.
A lot of people have
been successful selling medicines and beauty products however bothering your
friends every day on why they must give you their money and their time almost
every hour is one sure way to make them believe that you are desperate for an
income or a sale.
Bottom line.
People hate insincerity and desperation, people can see through the urgency...a real business man who knows what they are talking about need not sound so needy over their posts.
People hate insincerity and desperation, people can see through the urgency...a real business man who knows what they are talking about need not sound so needy over their posts.
If traditional
advertising like TV commercials can work does not work the same
for FB advertising.
In fact, people hate the advertisements being forced on them by Facebook ads themselves.
In fact, people hate the advertisements being forced on them by Facebook ads themselves.
Facebook is trying to put some ads on the news feed but
personally for someone like me who is online most of the time---this kind of
advertising is just plain annoying-- I don`t really order from these companies
who keep on shoving their ads on my face.
Facebook is meant for human interaction, for communication.
People go online because they want to read something interesting, they want to
know about the person behind the profile and they want to pick up useful
information that is connected with their daily life.--
Facebook is a revolutionary tool and people will only follow your account if you are sincere or if you are so beautiful or handsome that you can be forgiven for any self-righteous post you might like to say--just as long as you are not selling anything.
Facebook is a revolutionary tool and people will only follow your account if you are sincere or if you are so beautiful or handsome that you can be forgiven for any self-righteous post you might like to say--just as long as you are not selling anything.
This also means that people dislike any kind of
advertisement that they have to view over and over again.
If you are not creative on how you will sell your networking will be removing trust and interest on your Facebook account and the income that you are hoping for---will never happen using this method.
If you are not creative on how you will sell your networking will be removing trust and interest on your Facebook account and the income that you are hoping for---will never happen using this method.
A real successful individual does not need to post so many
fake things on their profiles.
Believe it or not, people are not that gullible so as to believe that the check you have posted about earning money is genuine.
Believe it or not, people are not that gullible so as to believe that the check you have posted about earning money is genuine.
And even if you are
posting something genuine people just don`t like to get bothered by the lack of
It is all about presentation, people like to be presented
with something real. A real life story of how you have been changed by what you
are doing--but only the most brilliant PR people can do a magnificent advertisement
manipulation-- and if you are not by nature a smooth talker--you can end up destroying your online reputation forever.
The key to an effective networking business marketing on Facebook is to avoid being too obvious--if you really want to become rich using networking business---start being creative on your posts but never----never fake your sincerity and never make the networking business posts too obvious.
The key to an effective networking business marketing on Facebook is to avoid being too obvious--if you really want to become rich using networking business---start being creative on your posts but never----never fake your sincerity and never make the networking business posts too obvious.
People are being bothered with too much information right
now, the latest picture of you with you car will not necessarily bring you a
sale. People believe it or not would even get annoyed with this method.
Because people are not that shallow, people do not jump into
business ventures just because someone posted that they have a new car or a new
mobile phone. People who jump into this kind of materialistic mentality are the
only ones gullible with networking ads.
People want to be inspired, people want products and
services that give meaning to their life.
We are being bombarded with so many advertisements of products that we do not actually need.
We are being bombarded with so many advertisements of products that we do not actually need.
The networking business is still fueled by so called
medicinal products that have not existed in the past and are not really needed
even in the future. If they are so effective... why are so many people dying
from cancer every day..
We need actual businesses that serve a purpose, businesses
that inspire people to go out of their comfort zone.
I would surely love to join a company that can give me a
direction in life.
But there are hardly any type of business that will teach you to enjoy life.
But there are hardly any type of business that will teach you to enjoy life.
Almost every networking business will tell you to join---to
seek money alone-- to buy more and more cell phones and to buy more and more clothes and gadgets to impress
people you don`t really know.
How I wish, people will start a business where people can
start investing even if they only had P20, a real dream they can follow and be proud of. Frankly, even if I can gain money from networking business I won`t feel proud about bombarding my friends with costly herbal medicines--especially if they can just eat fruits and vegetables directly instead of drinking capsules that might even contain harsh chemicals.
Can businessmen create
a P20 peso business that will lead to the creation of an ecological park sanctuary that people can visit.
A P50 pesos business that will change the way restaurants are serving food.
A P150 peso business that will inspire a depressed and loner person to go out of their house because there is something more to life... Why can’t we create those kinds of businesses? Why are we stuck with this networking product that we can actually live without?
a P20 peso business that will lead to the creation of an ecological park sanctuary that people can visit.
A P50 pesos business that will change the way restaurants are serving food.
A P150 peso business that will inspire a depressed and loner person to go out of their house because there is something more to life... Why can’t we create those kinds of businesses? Why are we stuck with this networking product that we can actually live without?
I am sick and tired of hearing promises about earning
millions just so I can buy more things that will not really make me happy. People buy iphones not because it will spice up their life...they buy it because they want to feel accepted, they want for people to look at them, to notice them for a few seconds..but a gadget can only accomplish one impression--and it never really leads to a lasting image of what a person wants to attain.
Can we start a business that can inspire us to wake up each day? Something that can convince us that life is more than just paying the bills and eating food, sleeping ad then doing the same routine over and over again?
Can we start a business that can inspire us to wake up each day? Something that can convince us that life is more than just paying the bills and eating food, sleeping ad then doing the same routine over and over again?
Perhaps the reason
why people hate networking business so much is because it reflects a society of
people willing to fake their sincerity and integrity...just to make a sale.
Money for money's
sake.... When in fact...we are all hoping for Passion...something passionate,
something beyond what this economy can offer.
Believe me, I have tried walking into this networking
business group and the minds that have created them are brilliant because they
know what to say to people, they know how to make people believe--but they will
not tell the real secrets of the universe in order to make sure that the person
who gives them their capital money--will really find their way to independence.
We are all sick and tired of companies who keep on creating
products that we don`t really need. In fact,
we are all tired of corporations that seek to take every inch of penny
we have so that they can enslave us more.
They tell us one big lie…networking corporations make us believe
that we can end our poverty by selling more products…they tell us we can finally relax and have a great
life by selling more lotions and slimming pills..but the people in networking
businesses never truly retire..they just become salesmen…who can earn a bit
more than ordinary—but will remain uninspired for the rest their lives because no one is truly happy
knowing that for the rest of their life they will be selling a product no one
really needs.
We are all in need of creative pursuits and inspiration--and for this reason a networking
agent who keeps on posting about a product we don`t really need will be forever
How to solve this
dilemma: ( Since people in the networking business are completely unavoidable)
Create your own Facebook page and ask friends to
like the page sincerely, be frank and tell them you are selling something and
if they are interested they can like the page in order to know more. If they do
not like to be bothered by your networking business give them a chance to say
There is a better chance of the products
getting noticed if the friends you have added on the page actually need them.
Because even if you bombard a thousand friends with ads---if they do not
believe they need what you are offering--you are only setting yourself up for
self sabotage.
Create a service or business that people truly
need. Do not join in anything that you personally do not believe in and do not
join a business that is not conceptualized by your own mind. Look into it
deeper and think of a business that will actually change the world--as it changes you.
Create a business that will help people
attain happiness… not a business that will just help them to gain more money
even if they become a robot salesman in the process.
A service that can bring an actual smile to customers…
A product that is so
brilliant it would inspire you to live...
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