Saturday 7 September 2013

Why do people hate networking agents on Facebook so much

Believe it or not, your Facebook friends would be able to forgive you for your Selfie pictures, after all a person has to post their best photo once in a while.
People will even forgive you if you like your own posts because some people can forgive other people who have no common sense.

Friends would even understand if you keep on bashing the President or the government... but there is one thing people will never forgive you on Facebook...

An act that can destroy your chances of  gaining a loyal audience, it can immediately alienate you from all of your FB friends, they will continue adding you to their FB list but they will scroll down each time you will post something new or hide your Facebook messages forever if they are too shy to block you Forever...

If you want to become the most hated people on this!

1. Join a Networking Business and post about how rich you are, post endless pictures of herbal products, beauty soaps, slimming products or any new business online opportunity and tag your friends daily--- be as friendly as you can and message random people on Facebook...

2. Say hi to your elementary, high school or college friends, workmates or a bunch of people you have never met and act like you care about them--and then after talking to them for several minutes present your networking business.

3. Post in all FB groups that you are included in, and post as many posters as you can about the new product you are selling. In fact, post every day even in Facebook groups that are supposed to be for environmental advocacy or political debates.

4. Fake your Facebook enthusiasm post every day, tell them how rich you are right now and how great your networking partners are  in business but never respond if people will borrow money from you--even during emergency cases.

5. Post that you are hiring part time workers or you have  a job opportunity and the ask them to join your networking business instead of offering an actual job.

We all have that kind of friend, the one who suddenly thinks they can fool people into thinking that they are millionaires--or that they are earning real cash.

Don`t get me wrong, networking business can really bring in the money--just like any other business if you focus your mind and energy--it is bound to gain you profits--but unfortunately this is also the easiest way to make people think that you are a Facebook money hungry freak if you overdo the selling part.

 A lot of people have been successful selling medicines and beauty products however bothering your friends every day on why they must give you their money and their time almost every hour is one sure way to make them believe that you are desperate for an income or a sale.

Bottom line.

 People hate insincerity and desperation, people can see through the urgency...a real business man who knows what they are talking about need not sound so needy over their posts. 

 If traditional advertising like TV commercials can work does not work the same for FB advertising.

 In fact, people hate the advertisements being forced on them by Facebook ads themselves.

Facebook is trying to put some ads on the news feed but personally for someone like me who is online most of the time---this kind of advertising is just plain annoying-- I don`t really order from these companies who keep on shoving their ads on my face.

Facebook is meant for human interaction, for communication. People go online because they want to read something interesting, they want to know about the person behind the profile and they want to pick up useful information that is connected with their daily life.--

Facebook is a revolutionary tool and people will only follow your account if you are sincere or if you are so beautiful or handsome that you can be forgiven for any self-righteous post you might like to say--just as long as you are not selling anything.

This also means that people dislike any kind of advertisement that they have to view over and over again.

 If you are not creative on how you will sell your networking will be removing trust and interest on your Facebook account and the income that you are hoping for---will never happen using this method.

A real successful individual does not need to post so many fake things on their profiles. 

Believe it or not, people are not that gullible so as to believe that the check you have posted about earning money is genuine.

 And even if you are posting something genuine people just don`t like to get bothered by the lack of originality.

It is all about presentation, people like to be presented with something real. A real life story of how you have been changed by what you are doing--but only the most brilliant PR people can do a magnificent advertisement manipulation-- and if you are not by nature a smooth talker--you can end up destroying your online reputation forever.
The key to an effective networking business marketing on Facebook is to avoid being too obvious--if you really want to become rich using networking business---start being creative on your posts but never----never fake your sincerity and never make the networking business posts too obvious.

People are being bothered with too much information right now, the latest picture of you with you car will not necessarily bring you a sale. People believe it or not would even get annoyed with this method.


Because people are not that shallow, people do not jump into business ventures just because someone posted that they have a new car or a new mobile phone. People who jump into this kind of materialistic mentality are the only ones gullible with networking ads.

People want to be inspired, people want products and services that give meaning to their life.

 We are being bombarded with so many advertisements of products that we do not actually need.

The networking business is still fueled by so called medicinal products that have not existed in the past and are not really needed even in the future. If they are so effective... why are so many people dying from cancer every day..

We need actual businesses that serve a purpose, businesses that inspire people to go out of their comfort zone.

I would surely love to join a company that can give me a direction in life. 
But there are hardly any type of business that will teach you to enjoy life.

Almost every networking business will tell you to join---to seek money alone-- to buy more and more cell phones and to buy  more and more clothes and gadgets to impress people you don`t really know.

How I wish, people will start a business where people can start investing even if they only had P20, a real dream they can follow and be proud of. Frankly, even if I can gain money from networking business I won`t feel proud about bombarding my friends with costly herbal medicines--especially if they can just eat fruits and vegetables directly instead of drinking capsules that might even contain harsh chemicals. 

Can businessmen create
a P20 peso business that will lead to the creation of an ecological park sanctuary that people can visit. 
A P50 pesos business that will change the way restaurants are serving food.
 A P150 peso business that will inspire a depressed and loner person to go out of their house because there is something more to life... Why can’t we create those kinds of businesses?  Why are we stuck with this networking product that we can actually live without?

I am sick and tired of hearing promises about earning millions just so I can buy more things that will not really  make me happy. People buy iphones not because it will spice up their life...they buy it because they want to feel accepted, they want for people to look at them, to notice them for a few seconds..but a gadget can only accomplish one impression--and it never really leads to a lasting image of what a person wants to attain.

 Can we start a business that can inspire us to wake up each day? Something that can convince us that life is more than just paying the bills and eating food, sleeping ad then doing the same routine over and over again?

 Perhaps the reason why people hate networking business so much is because it reflects a society of people willing to fake their sincerity and integrity...just to make a sale.

 Money for money's sake.... When in fact...we are all hoping for Passion...something passionate, something beyond what this economy can offer.

Believe me, I have tried walking into this networking business group and the minds that have created them are brilliant because they know what to say to people, they know how to make people believe--but they will not tell the real secrets of the universe in order to make sure that the person who gives them their capital money--will really  find their way to independence.

We are all sick and tired of companies who keep on creating products that we don`t really need. In fact,  we are all tired of corporations that seek to take every inch of penny we have so that they can enslave us more.
They tell us one big lie…networking corporations make us believe that we can end our poverty by selling more products…they  tell us we can finally relax and have a great life by selling more lotions and slimming pills..but the people in networking businesses never truly retire..they just become salesmen…who can earn a bit more than ordinary—but will remain uninspired for the rest  their lives because no one is truly happy knowing that for the rest of their life they will be selling a product no one really needs.

We are all in need of creative pursuits and  inspiration--and for this reason a networking agent who keeps on posting about a product we don`t really need will be forever disdained.
How to solve this dilemma: ( Since people in the networking business are completely unavoidable)

1.       Create your own Facebook page and ask friends to like the page sincerely, be frank and tell them you are selling something and if they are interested they can like the page in order to know more. If they do not like to be bothered by your networking business give them a chance to say no.
There is a better chance of the products getting noticed if the friends you have added on the page actually need them. Because even if you bombard a thousand friends with ads---if they do not believe they need what you are offering--you are only setting yourself up for self sabotage.

2.       Create a service or business that people truly need. Do not join in anything that you personally do not believe in and do not join a business that is not conceptualized by your own mind. Look into it deeper and think of a business that will actually change the world--as it changes you.
Create a business that will help people attain happiness… not a business that will just help them to gain more money even if they become a robot salesman in the process.

A service that can bring an actual smile to customers…

 A product that is so brilliant it would inspire you to live...

Friday 6 September 2013

How to become the most hated person on Facebook

Believe it or not, your Facebook friends would be able to forgive you for your Selfie pictures, after all a person has to post their best photo once in a while.
People will even forgive you if you like your own posts because some people can forgive other people who have no common sense.

Friends would even understand if you keep on bashing the President or the government... but there is one thing people will never forgive you on Facebook...

An act that can destroy your chances of  gaining a loyal audience, it can immediately alienate you from all of your FB friends, they will continue adding you to their FB list but they will scroll down each time you will post something new or hide your Facebook messages forever if they are too shy to block you Forever...

If you want to become the most hated people on this!

1. Join a Networking Business and post about how rich you are, post endless pictures of herbal products, beauty soaps, slimming products or any new business online opportunity and tag your friends daily--- be as friendly as you can and message random people on Facebook...

2. Say hi to your elementary, high school or college friends, workmates or a bunch of people you have never met and act like you care about them--and then after talking to them for several minutes present your networking business.

3. Post in all FB groups that you are included in, and post as many posters as you can about the new product you are selling. In fact, post every day even in Facebook groups that are supposed to be for environmental advocacy or political debates.

4. Fake your Facebook enthusiasm post every day, tell them how rich you are right now and how great your networking partners are  in business but never respond if people will borrow money from you--even during emergency cases.

5. Post that you are hiring part time workers or you have  a job opportunity and the ask them to join your networking business instead of offering an actual job.

We all have that kind of friend, the one who suddenly thinks they can fool people into thinking that they are millionaires--or that they are earning real cash.

Don`t get me wrong, networking business can really bring in the money--just like any other business if you focus your mind and energy--it is bound to gain you profits--but unfortunately this is also the easiest way to make people think that you are a Facebook money hungry freak if you overdo the selling part.

 A lot of people have been successful selling medicines and beauty products however bothering your friends every day on why they must give you their money and their time almost every hour is one sure way to make them believe that you are desperate for an income or a sale.

Bottom line.

 People hate insincerity and desperation, people can see through the urgency...a real business man who knows what they are talking about need not sound so needy over their posts. 

 If traditional advertising like TV commercials can work does not work the same for FB advertising.

 In fact, people hate the advertisements being forced on them by Facebook ads themselves.

Facebook is trying to put some ads on the news feed but personally for someone like me who is online most of the time---this kind of advertising is just plain annoying-- I don`t really order from these companies who keep on shoving their ads on my face.

Facebook is meant for human interaction, for communication. People go online because they want to read something interesting, they want to know about the person behind the profile and they want to pick up useful information that is connected with their daily life.--

Facebook is a revolutionary tool and people will only follow your account if you are sincere or if you are so beautiful or handsome that you can be forgiven for any self-righteous post you might like to say--just as long as you are not selling anything.

This also means that people dislike any kind of advertisement that they have to view over and over again.

 If you are not creative on how you will sell your networking will be removing trust and interest on your Facebook account and the income that you are hoping for---will never happen using this method.

A real successful individual does not need to post so many fake things on their profiles. 

Believe it or not, people are not that gullible so as to believe that the check you have posted about earning money is genuine.

 And even if you are posting something genuine people just don`t like to get bothered by the lack of originality.

It is all about presentation, people like to be presented with something real. A real life story of how you have been changed by what you are doing--but only the most brilliant PR people can do a magnificent advertisement manipulation-- and if you are not by nature a smooth talker--you can end up destroying your online reputation forever.
The key to an effective networking business marketing on Facebook is to avoid being too obvious--if you really want to become rich using networking business---start being creative on your posts but never----never fake your sincerity and never make the networking business posts too obvious.

People are being bothered with too much information right now, the latest picture of you with you car will not necessarily bring you a sale. People believe it or not would even get annoyed with this method.


Because people are not that shallow, people do not jump into business ventures just because someone posted that they have a new car or a new mobile phone. People who jump into this kind of materialistic mentality are the only ones gullible with networking ads.

People want to be inspired, people want products and services that give meaning to their life.

 We are being bombarded with so many advertisements of products that we do not actually need.

The networking business is still fueled by so called medicinal products that have not existed in the past and are not really needed even in the future. If they are so effective... why are so many people dying from cancer every day..

We need actual businesses that serve a purpose, businesses that inspire people to go out of their comfort zone.

I would surely love to join a company that can give me a direction in life. 
But there are hardly any type of business that will teach you to enjoy life.

Almost every networking business will tell you to join---to seek money alone-- to buy more and more cell phones and to buy  more and more clothes and gadgets to impress people you don`t really know.

How I wish, people will start a business where people can start investing even if they only had P20, a real dream they can follow and be proud of. Frankly, even if I can gain money from networking business I won`t feel proud about bombarding my friends with costly herbal medicines--especially if they can just eat fruits and vegetables directly instead of drinking capsules that might even contain harsh chemicals. 

Can businessmen create
a P20 peso business that will lead to the creation of an ecological park sanctuary that people can visit. 
A P50 pesos business that will change the way restaurants are serving food.
 A P150 peso business that will inspire a depressed and loner person to go out of their house because there is something more to life... Why can’t we create those kinds of businesses?  Why are we stuck with this networking product that we can actually live without?

I am sick and tired of hearing promises about earning millions just so I can buy more things that will not really  make me happy. People buy iphones not because it will spice up their life...they buy it because they want to feel accepted, they want for people to look at them, to notice them for a few seconds..but a gadget can only accomplish one impression--and it never really leads to a lasting image of what a person wants to attain.

 Can we start a business that can inspire us to wake up each day? Something that can convince us that life is more than just paying the bills and eating food, sleeping ad then doing the same routine over and over again?

 Perhaps the reason why people hate networking business so much is because it reflects a society of people willing to fake their sincerity and integrity...just to make a sale.

 Money for money's sake.... When in fact...we are all hoping for Passion...something passionate, something beyond what this economy can offer.

Believe me, I have tried walking into this networking business group and the minds that have created them are brilliant because they know what to say to people, they know how to make people believe--but they will not tell the real secrets of the universe in order to make sure that the person who gives them their capital money--will really  find their way to independence.

We are all sick and tired of companies who keep on creating products that we don`t really need. In fact,  we are all tired of corporations that seek to take every inch of penny we have so that they can enslave us more.
They tell us one big lie…networking corporations make us believe that we can end our poverty by selling more products…they  tell us we can finally relax and have a great life by selling more lotions and slimming pills..but the people in networking businesses never truly retire..they just become salesmen…who can earn a bit more than ordinary—but will remain uninspired for the rest  their lives because no one is truly happy knowing that for the rest of their life they will be selling a product no one really needs.

We are all in need of creative pursuits and  inspiration--and for this reason a networking agent who keeps on posting about a product we don`t really need will be forever disdained.
How to solve this dilemma: ( Since people in the networking business are completely unavoidable)

1.       Create your own Facebook page and ask friends to like the page sincerely, be frank and tell them you are selling something and if they are interested they can like the page in order to know more. If they do not like to be bothered by your networking business give them a chance to say no.
There is a better chance of the products getting noticed if the friends you have added on the page actually need them. Because even if you bombard a thousand friends with ads---if they do not believe they need what you are offering--you are only setting yourself up for self sabotage.

2.       Create a service or business that people truly need. Do not join in anything that you personally do not believe in and do not join a business that is not conceptualized by your own mind. Look into it deeper and think of a business that will actually change the world--as it changes you.
Create a business that will help people attain happiness… not a business that will just help them to gain more money even if they become a robot salesman in the process.

A service that can bring an actual smile to customers…

 A product that is so brilliant it would inspire you to live...

Sunday 25 August 2013

After the Million March Protest: What now Philippines?

Don't get me wrong... I am one of those people who are openly supporting the Million March Protest and although I won't be able to attend physically because I am currently in Thailand,  my social media profile is non-stop in providing my FB friends information regarding the Pork Barrel Scam situation in the Philippines.

But just like any other critical being, I could not help but ask...What now Philippines? What's next after the  # MillionPeoplemarch# surely this is just the start of something..

I am sure that the protest will be symbolic and meaningful.

 I am not in any way questioning if we need it or not.

The truth is that this is one of the most mature types of protests that the Philippines has seen aside from the protest march for the trees in Baguio City against SM City Baguio.

 Mature because finally, there are no hidden agendas, there are no hidden intentions...the protest is solely about speaking up..Like the hashtags are claiming # Tayo angBoss.

In the past, the corporate media were the only one that dictates what the people should see.

 People rely on what they see on GMA News or ABS-CBN and other TV networks that exist, however what people forget is that these are corporate controlled networks, they exist to provide information that will not really expose the truth--rather they give information that will deviate the people. 

You cannot expect the truth from a corporate media that receives funding from the main enemies of the people.

Although there are certain things they will provide correctly---most of the time the news that are being featured are here to distract us from the main problems of society...

Most of the news that we see in the morning are totally irrelevant to what is currently happening in the world right now.

The topics are simple--to the point of being nonsense--we are bombarded with the same news and the same news format every single day.
 They report daily traffic and vehicular accidents, they focus the news on the small events in order to distract us from the real events--but thanks to social networking minds like Mark Zuckerberg we have a chance to get to know the truth....this time...

For the past decades our People Power rallies have been meaningless, we ousted Pres. Ferdinand Marcos only to realize that we like his leadership better compared with the Aquino Family.

Another People power rally has been created in order to oust Pres. Joseph Estrada only to re-elect him back into a high government position after that. We elected Ninoy Aquino only to realize after that we actually like Gloria Arroyo's way of handling state emergencies...

The Million March Protest against Pork Barrel (PDAF): The most promising rally in the history of the Philippines.

If we will analyze deeper,  this Million March Protest against Pork Barrel Scam is the most promising kind of protest that we have seen.

 For the first time it is non-partisan. No specific group called out for it, there are no speakers, there are no known leaders of this massive angry protesters who just want to know where their taxes are really going.

The posters says it all, the Filipino people or the Filipino elite thinkers are coming out and expressing themselves and we would not be able to call this protest March a cheap one at that because it is fueled by passion and integrity, which is why I would hate it, if it would just go to waste.

People in social networking groups, those who are educated, have access to the internet and are able to discuss varied political and economic theories are coming out and sharing what they know to common people average Filipino student who is not even reading any book except what is provided in school can now understand bits and pieces of the Pork Barrel scam due to endless information coming out from various blogs and commentaries.--if not for the help of social networking this average students and working class will never understand what is happening in the economy right now.

Due to the influx of information, even a Filipino who does not have any background in World Economics will have a basic idea of what is happening in the country right now.

 This was actually the main reason why the internet was created in the first place--- For the first time, people from different walks of life are sharing their ideas--since it is easier to do online---it is without a doubt faster to campaign for changes and easier to capture the attention of people who if an alternate universe where Facebook is not yet created would just be caught up in their daily life problems nowadays thanks to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media tools. 

What we can learn from the Arab Spring Movement:

The Arab Spring movement started out like this, certain intellectuals have created banners online and online groups and posted witty comments and videos, photos and pictures and it spread like wildfire. Eventually it led to massive protests.

The Arab uprisings were fundamentally a rejection of corrupt autocracies, which failed at providing welfare, freedom, and equality for the vast majority of their citizens. 
But what made them unique was the seemingly “post-ideological” characteristic of such uprisings:  They were “cool” for they relied on social networking to organize protests and circumvent state censorship; they were “inclusive,” because there were no banners, flags, and traditional slogans of pan-Arabism, anti-colonialism, etc; and they were “horizontal and spontaneous,” because they relied less on hierarchical structures of organization, and conspicuously lacked larger-than-life revolutionary figures that steered earlier uprisings elsewhere.--Richard Javad Heydarian (author of the forthcoming book How Capitalism Failed the Arab World: The Economic Roots and Precarious Future of the Middle East Uprisings. )

At this present moment the Philippines is undergoing what the Occupy Movement and the Arab uprisings has undergone, and while this group has succeeded at several points...they have also failed in many.

According to Richard Javad,  the only way to transform spontaneous anti-pork protests into a genuine platform for overhauling our political system.
And this requires a measure of cold-blooded, traditional means of political organization, planning and messaging, and party-building -- most especially because the forces of corruption in our country are as vicious as the very elements that have overwhelmed popular uprisings elsewhere in recent years.

While I agree with this statement, I cannot help but add more. I do not claim any expertise in anything.

 I am just an observer who has another suggestion after the Million March despite the fact that why I will say might be far-fetched for this decade.

Why did Janet Napoles steal billions of pesos?

The simple answer would be because out of greed, however, what we have failed to ask in this situation is...what leads people to become greedy.

Surely, Janet Napoles and her family as well as cohorts did not start out as greedy bastards...

My theory is because of the idea of Scarcity, people believe that there is a lack of resources and therefore there is a huge tendency to hoard.

I am guessing that  her ancestors did not start out rich but just like any other Filipino who had the chance to hoard money and experience the high life...she had to succumb to greed.

You see, any person who is able to see what she had seen---would be tempted to do what she did but why?

Why do certain people feel the need to buy so many material things and why do they equate it to happiness?

What Is a Materialistic Person?

A materialistic person is someone who attaches too much importance to money and material possessions. 

A materialistic person feels that increased 'consumption' increases his or her satisfaction with life.

I cannot help but feel that this dilemma and this experience is not alien to a lot of people in the Philippines and even in all parts of the world..
But what causes us to hoard so many items, and what causes people to believe that having more material  wealth will equate to satisfaction in life?

Aren't we all guilty of this? Aren't we all suffering from this idea?

For me there is another way to look at things, I do know my suggestion will not necessarily be understood because the Philippines has still a long way to go.

But I am sharing this knowledge..for me this is one of the best solutions.

While the Million March is historical and is important in the transition of  the government... it is doomed to fail afterwards just like the Arab Uprising and the Occupy movement because it is not the main solution, in fact the Million march is an experiment solution to a problem that has been present for hundreds of years now, it has  already been tried and tested in the U.S and in Egypt with varying techniques and we are going to try it out in our country this time--because while this is a promising start--we would have to understand a more complex society--we would have to undergo more changes...drastic changes before we get there... We have to eliminate the source of greed first or where greed comes from.

We need to eliminate the idea of Scarcity first before we can project a new kind of society that will not be corrupted.

What is Scarcity?

Scarcity is the fundamental economic problem of having seemingly unlimited human wants and needs in a world of limited resources. It states that society has insufficient productive resources to fulfill all human wants and needs
Is scarcity real? or it is a made up concept to control people?

 Solving the corrupt system is not as simple as having an  an organized set of people working in the government. Because for all that we know--deciding in a consensus manner hardly gets us anywhere--we can be as organized as we can but unless the image of scarcity is not removed in our consciousness we will remain slaves to our fear.

This has been done for centuries..what we need is a more sustainable type of economy,  not only for the country but for the entire world.

Removing the Monetary market economy:

Until we learn how to displace the money market economy with a resource based economy, no matter how many revolutions will happen we will not get to our intended outcome.

 Even if billions of people joined the protest every day if the same rules apply in society we will continue facing a corrupt and failed system of economy--we have seen this happen with the Occupy Movement and the Arab Uprising.

In order to truly succeed in eliminating corruption in the Philippines, we have to remove the money and private property system-- we should replace it instead with a more efficient and reliable system which is a resource based economy.

The Philippines has yet to understand the power of focusing on the creation of renewable energy and computerized automatic systems.

The main problem of the country is that we are paying enormous electrical bills, water bills, internet bills--- each and everyone is enslaved with the current system of how things are being run and this causes them to be greedy.
Corporations own everything, rich families and politicians own every piece of land, sooner or later they will also claim the right to oxygen if they can...we are seeing it now--and that is our main problem...and that is what we have to solve.

If the idea of scarcity is not solved, then you can expect corruption to arise in any political system that you will use. For as long as someone believes that resources are scarce--you can expect people to cheat on others, people will steal from others, countries will invade other territories...what we first have to solve is " Scarcity" itself...

Who is causing it and is there really a huge Scarcity of food, water, shelter, land and other materials needed in order to survive?

What the Philippines should do:

 Change the Monetary System into a resource based economy:

This means that all goods and services should be available without the use of money, barter or credit cards or any other system of debt or servitude.

A resource based economy was inspired by  Jacque Fresco, according to him all the resources of the world should become a common heritage of all the inhabitants and not just a selected few ( Corporations, Ruling families, Ruling Class, Government).

His premise is that he Earth is abundant with plentiful resource; our practice of rationing resources through monetary methods is irrelevant and counter productive to our survival.

Modern society has access to highly advanced technology and can make available food, clothing, housing and medical care; update our educational system; and develop a limitless supply of renewable, non-contaminating energy.

By supplying an efficiently designed economy, everyone can enjoy a very high standard of living with all of the amenities of a high technological society.

A resource-based economy would utilize existing resources from the land and sea, physical equipment, industrial plants, etc. to enhance the lives of the total population. In an economy based on resources rather than money, we could easily produce all of the necessities of life and provide a high standard of living for all.

Consider the following examples: At the beginning of World War II the US had a mere 600 or so first-class fighting aircraft. We rapidly overcame this short supply by turning out more than 90,000 planes a year. The question at the start of World War II was:
 Do we have enough funds to produce the required implements of war? The answer was no, we did not have enough money, nor did we have enough gold; but we did have more than enough resources. It was the available resources that enabled the US to achieve the high production and efficiency required to win the war. Unfortunately this is only considered in times of war.
In a resource-based economy all of the world's resources are held as the common heritage of all of Earth's people, thus eventually outgrowing the need for the artificial boundaries that separate people. This is the unifying imperative.

We must emphasize that this approach to global governance has nothing whatever in common with the present aims of an elite to form a world government with themselves and large corporations at the helm, and the vast majority of the world's population subservient to them.Our vision of globalization empowers each and every person on the planet to be the best they can be, not to live in abject subjugation to a corporate governing body.Our proposals would not only add to the well being of people, but they would also provide the necessary information that would enable them to participate in any area of their competence. The measure of success would be based on the fulfillment of one's individual pursuits rather than the acquisition of wealth, property and power.At present, we have enough material resources to provide a very high standard of living for all of Earth's inhabitants. Only when population exceeds the carrying capacity of the land do many problems such as greed, crime and violence emerge. By overcoming scarcity, most of the crimes and even the prisons of today's society would no longer be necessary.A resource-based economy would make it possible to use technology to overcome scarce resources by applying renewable sources of energy, computerizing and automating manufacturing and inventory, designing safe energy-efficient cities and advanced transportation systems, providing universal health care and more relevant education, and most of all by generating a new incentive system based on human and environmental concern.
Many people believe that there is too much technology in the world today, and that technology is the major cause of our environmental pollution. This is not the case. It is the abuse and misuse of technology that should be our major concern. In a more humane civilization, instead of machines displacing people they would shorten the workday, increase the availability of goods and services, and lengthen vacation time. If we utilize new technology to raise the standard of living for all people, then the infusion of machine technology would no longer be a threat.A resource-based world economy would also involve all-out efforts to develop new, clean, and renewable sources of energy: geothermal; controlled fusion; solar; photovoltaic; wind, wave, and tidal power; and even fuel from the oceans. We would eventually be able to have energy in unlimited quantity that could propel civilization for thousands of years. A resource-based economy must also be committed to the redesign of our cities, transportation systems, and industrial plants, allowing them to be energy efficient, clean, and conveniently serve the needs of all people.

What else would a resource-based economy mean? Technology intelligently and efficiently applied, conserves energy, reduces waste, and provides more leisure time.

With automated inventory on a global scale, we can maintain a balance between production and distribution. Only nutritious and healthy food would be available and planned obsolescence would be unnecessary and non-existent in a resource-based economy.
As we outgrow the need for professions based on the monetary system, for instance lawyers, bankers, insurance agents, marketing and advertising personnel, salespersons, and stockbrokers, a considerable amount of waste will be eliminated.
Considerable amounts of energy would also be saved by eliminating the duplication of competitive products such as tools, eating utensils, pots, pans and vacuum cleaners. Choice is good.
But instead of hundreds of different manufacturing plants and all the paperwork and personnel required to turn out similar products, only a few of the highest quality would be needed to serve the entire population.
Our only shortage is the lack of creative thought and intelligence in ourselves and our elected leaders to solve these problems.
The most valuable, untapped resource today is human ingenuity.
With the elimination of debt, the fear of losing one's job will no longer be a threat.
This assurance, combined with education on how to relate to one another in a much more meaningful way, could considerably reduce both mental and physical stress and leave us free to explore and develop our abilities.
If the thought of eliminating money troubles you, consider this: If a group of people with gold, diamonds and money were stranded on an island that had no resources such as food, clean air and water, their wealth would be irrelevant to their survival.
It is only when resources are scarce that money can be used to control their distribution. One could not, for example, sell the air we breathe or water abundantly flowing down from a mountain stream.

Although air and water are valuable, in abundance they cannot be sold.
Money is only important in a society when certain resources for survival must be rationed and the people accept money as an exchange medium for the scarce resources.

Money is a social convention, an agreement if you will. It is neither a natural resource nor does it represent one. It is not necessary for survival unless we have been conditioned to accept it as such.- Jacque Fresco.

This theory of course is far-fetched to a lot of people and harder even to understand as of this moment, but as we will review how many protests have died down and how many structures have been defeated... this idea will slowly  make sense.

To answer the question: What Now Philippines?

We cannot answer that just yet, the Million March is still a good sign of things to come and is still part of the experimental stages of a country that is on the process of seeking  its identity. 

I can only provide a third suggestion on how we can view things and how can provide ways to solve the problem...according to my own point of view.

In order to get there..we will need a huge shift of awareness and deeper consciousness from the rest of the world before arriving this. 

One thing is for sure...the #MillionpeopleMarch# can only succeed if people will fight for something more than just their taxes----

In the mean time congratulations to Filipinos who have attended the march and continue to be vigilant-- Vigilance is necessary to the path of enlightenment.

For it is still better to take part in finding ways to help solve the mystery called life--and the mystery called humans...

Monday 3 June 2013

For those of us who have realized that our family is the world....

 The life of a freelance writer like me is often unpredictable. 

We don't need to wake up at 7:30 am and iron our of all we don't experience getting stuck on traffic. 

We wake up anytime we want and we can stay as late as 4am discussing ideas with some random stranger on Facebook.

My life consists of different parts and different experiences but it does not mean that my life would be immune to ridicules...even from my  natural family members.

At times...

I wonder how many of us have been called a failure by our own family because we are not able to fulfill their idea of success. 

I ask myself that at times where I feel the pressure coming from family members.

 You see at the age of  25... still not married and not sure if I ever will,  still with no children, a web content writer--a job that is not considered an official job by many because it gives me many hours of free time and I own my time.

There are a lot of people like me, we do not fit into the stereotype of life and many parents, siblings, aunts and uncles question our mere existence--because we chose to live another kind of life.

 People like me do not wear a corporate suit,  our office is our room, no car either and no plan to buy one...because I love walking...I love taking pictures of the trees while walking.

I am one of them, one of those individuals who chose to live my life according to my rules. I could have easily followed what my parents wanted me to be.

 I could have taken up Nursing so that I can bring home thousands of dollars to my own family like majority of my classmates did. 

I could have chosen to become a doctor like my dad.
Instead I rebelled against the idea and took up Philosophy instead.

In college and even today Philosophy is a so called non-existent course because it does not pay well and guess what people still deem it useless...despite the fact that all of those philosophical principles have led me to escape the idea of suicide--it taught me to question everything about my life--and to seek and to seek--a learning  that thousands of dollars would not be able to convince me to do----

I took another course which is related to teaching--units in Social Studies--

 I am a teacher and I have a license but I chose not to teach inside the classroom because I feel that even though it is a noble job that is not the path to learning because you wil get stuck inside a classroom--

I hate routines. I don't believe me should be grading children from 65-95..intelligence cannot be graded.

 I do not like correcting test papers.

 I only give public lectures for free because when I am inspired for the day and I want to share the feeling of inspiration and joy that I felt--i share it with friends...

  In many ways I am still a teacher... a teacher who has chosen to teach a wider classroom--the world...I have no records of any paper trail from any company. 

Education destroys creativity...that is the truth... just recently I have decided to teach in Bangkok, Thailand.  With the idea that if I want to the fullest sense of rebellion...let me learn the rules then and perfect them...then break them all over again. 

A big irony for my life but it is with the idea that if you want to break the have to understand it yourself...

Imagine a freelance writer for 4 years who would undergo working for a that is a challenge.

I did try becoming a call center agent I ended up depressed due to the lack of sunshine and social interaction and promised to never take that job again...because a 17,000 peso salary is not enough to sacrifice my entire life.

How many of us are despised by our own family because we have not fulfilled their wishes?

 How many of us are ridiculed because we want to save something that others think is pointless. Like some of my friends there are a lot of times where in I am not able to attend birthday parties.

 I am not able to provide gifts for my niece and nephews and most of the time I am not at home...I am somewhere else, traveling or listening to a newly written poem in a bookshop...

I have always been an activist...not the super active kind but I have had my share, in school when there are rallies against tuition fee increase I join them--we could easily pay my tuition but then after talking to a classmate whose parents are carpenters I felt the need to stand up for them, for those people who would not be able to pay their own tuition- 

i felt the need to join my classmate after he told me that he only has 20 pesos allowance everyday while our SLU internet card costs around 300. 

 I felt the need to expose the fact that our school Comfort rooms have no decent flush and toilets and after the protest I cannot help but smile because Louisians are now enjoying better schoo facilities than what we had.

Recently I have been called a radical woman for wanting to fight the biggest corporate giant in the country Henry Sy together with a lot of Baguio residents even those that are coming from abroad.

 I stood there inside SM City baguio realizing how empty it was to have a brand new empty it was to have beautiful clothes but an empty life devoid of meaning and happiness. 

 Because I have seen what it means to live and to sing and to be simple and to be creative that I want to share it--artists and genuine people exist and they taught me a lot of things I believe I have to share it---to defend it for as long as I could with people who believe...with people who others think are crazy for fighting Goliath.

Believe me when I say that the journey and the sacrifices have not been own family thinks I am doing something weird, something pointless, something stupid because it does not earn my loads of cash--but how will I tell them that in every step and every group I join I gain life.

 Many of them tell me that I should just to Canada and I should just work there all my life, earn Canadian dollars, build a house, buy a car, wear fancy clothes, impress my friends with my brand new gadget every now and then. give birth to children who will have no fighting chance to enjoy this world because of how most systems work and then die.

If there is one thing I have realized in all of this rebellion against the normal things in life---I have realized that our duty is not just  merely to our own family---because our real family is the world. Our community and the people around us.

 Many times our own family members would not be able to understand what we are doing.
I have some of the most eccentric friends, friends who choose to dance near the bonfire for 4 hours. Friends who paint, who create art from junk, friends who sing their own tunes, friends who have devoted their lives to protecting the rights of others..people that they do not even know. 

 I have friends who when diagnosed by a psychiatrist would immediately fall into the category of clinically insane, with bipolar disorder and so and so.   But come to think of it..people who are diagnosed with insanity? children with ADHD..and so and so forth...are they really insane or do we just live n a very repressive and restricted world?

I guess the point here is that despite the idea that I am not successful because I do not own an Iphone5..despite the idea that I am not earning dollars and despite the idea that I am not able to provide thousands of pesos to my own family---- I am happy.

I chose this path and I am forever going to love it.  I could have taken that nursing job but I think I would be sitting in a hospital somewhere hating myself because I did not heed what my heart wants.  Yes, I could be earning thousands of dollars and my family would be impressed with me big time...but then I would not be happy. I would not be happy because I have not searched the  meaning of the questions I have asked earlier on.....I am not saying that money is not needed...I am just saying should it be the center of our world?

i love my life for what it of this moment...i get to travel with friends, sit on the grass. Sing by the river...hear them play the guitar. I have seen people in trance mode.

 I have seen people who are happy despite the fact they have no money inside their wallet. This people live without worry,they do not own huge malls or houses or cars...yet they are able to share... share life with people around them..with people like me. 

You see...we have to fight for what we want in this life because according to a quote I have read...if we follow the dreams of our parents, siblings, teachers and any other person in the planet instead of ours...once we realize we are lonely we have no one to blame but ourselves.

I still feel the sting and the pain when my own family asks me why I am not this or I am not that...but all of this pain is worth it. You cannot expect to be understood by everyone but then again...I still hope that in the future they will understand....

they will understand that our duty is not just to our own family...but to the world. If we can just go out of our own shell and give.. this world will have a fighting chance...

Education destroys creativity...that is the truth... just recently I have decided to teach in Bangkok, Thailand. A big irony for my life but it is with the idea that if you want to break the have to understand it yourself...
Imagine a freelance writer for 4 years who would undergo working for a that is a challenge.

And this blog of mine would be a witness to all of the stories that will be created...the title would be...the Freelance Writer who has attempted to teach inside the current Education System... we will see...
